Supplier Satisfaction Research – How we do it

Step 1: Scoping the target respondents and understanding your business

We hold initial meetings with our clients to achieve the following:

  • Clarify research requirements and potential areas to measure
  • Understand current processes and business characteristics
  • Select appropriate suppliers to gain feedback from
  • Recommend and agree an appropriate sample size
  • Provide a full project schedule to include timelines and deliverables

Step 2: Qualifying the core components of successful relationships with your suppliers

  • The key drivers of supplier relationship performance are identified by conducting a number of in-depth telephone interviews with a sample of your suppliers
  • The output of these interviews are clearly defined Performance Areas and the individual Performance Attributes that determine your supplier relationships
  • Alternatively, we can work directly with the client and based on our shared knowledge, can determine the list of Performance Areas and Attributes to be measured
  • An appropriate research solution is suggested and agreed upon, which could include online surveys, focus groups, in-depth interviews and telephone interviews

Step 3: Measuring the pulse of your supplier satisfaction

  • An online survey with a combination of ratings and “open text” boxes is used to gain supplier feedback on how they rate your company on the agreed Performance Areas and Attributes
  • The Performance Areas and Attributesmeasured are those we defined from the earlier qualifying interviews and/or client discussions

Step 4: Reporting via scorecard and identifying supplier relationship strengths and weaknesses

Output of results include:

  • A supplier relationship health Scorecard
  • A measure of performance for each Performance Area and Attribute
  • Verbatim comments providing further insight into the ratings provided
  • Identified supplier relationship strengths and areas for improvement
  • Data analysis and recommendations to help you drive stronger supplier relationships