Evidence-based insights

We help you build stronger engagement with your:

Finger on the Pulse are a B2B Research Agency with Extensive Expertise in Generating Evidence-Based Insights

Finger on the Pulse Research (FOTP) is a B2B research agency that specialise in gathering feedback from key stakeholder groups, in particular, Customers, Suppliers and Employees, by developing and conducting bespoke market research surveys.

Key stakeholder groups are fundamental to the success of any business, yet how often do companies obtain feedback from them, to understand their perceptions of your business, in particular what you do well and what you could improve.  FOTP deliver evidence-based insights which help clients build stronger engagement with their Customers, Suppliers and Employees.

Whether during “normal” times or times of crisis, timely, objective and actionable, evidence-based insights generated through research projects enable businesses to maintain a competitive edge and keep close to the needs of their key stakeholders.

Insights from our bespoke market research surveys suggest that too often companies develop strategies or take decisions based on what they think, rather than what they measure.

However, Malcolm Forbes has accurately stated that:

“The best vision is insight”

Malcolm Forbes
Entrepreneur & Publisher
of Forbes magazine

That’s where we come in, as an independent B2B bespoke market research agency, with our combined research experience of over 50 years, to gather stakeholder feedback and generate evidence-based insights for our clients.

You may ask “why shouldn’t we conduct our own research, in house”?

Given modern technology, it is possible for companies to conduct their own research ‘in house’ but that could undermine objectivity and prevent stakeholders from openly providing their views.  

Finger on the Pulse Research, as an independent and objective B2B research agency are best able to work with you to gather specific feedback from any stakeholder group. 

It is also a cost-effective solution to outsource the work rather than allocate internal resources to undertake the work.

Developing your business is easier when you listen to your key stakeholders and our bespoke market research projects will provide you with a clear measure of Customer Satisfaction, Employee Engagement and Supplier Satisfaction, both overall and for all their component parts.  Whilst businesses usually have a myriad of hard measures in place, it is often the ‘soft’ measures that drive success.

Soft measures, such as:

• Level of trust • Quality of communication
• Quality of relationships • Ways of working
• Alignment of objectives • Levels of empowerment
• Speed of response

Combining both hard and soft measures equips businesses with the perfect tools to identify and solve problems, drive improvement, develop strategies and achieve success.  Bearing in mind that it is “difficult to manage what you don’t measure”, our B2B research projects often turn into annual Performance Measurement Surveys to enable companies to track performance ongoing and course correct, as appropriate.

The insights our B2B research generates, enables our clients to:

Understand what is important to stakeholders and include it when developing action plans and strategies

Have a clear measure of performance, enabling companies to set appropriate goals and strive to meet them

Some of the clear benefits that our B2B research delivers are:

Benefits for Customers

Increased customer loyalty

Greater strategic alignment

Competitive advantage

Increased focus on Customer Centricity

Benefits for Suppliers

Improved business relationships with suppliers

Greater strategic alignment

Competitive advantage

A culture of continuous engagement and improvement

Benefits for Employees

Improved employee engagement

Increased productivity

Competitive advantage

A culture of continuous employee engagement

Contact us to learn more about our research projects and how we can help you understand more about your key stakeholders.